Share This: During the next three weeks will be sharing a series of info-graphics that outline some of our Latin American Protestant theologians. Latin America has a great Protestant and evangelical heritage, and has had many evangelical pastor-theologians who have significantly contributed to our understanding of the gospel of grace. In previous publications as well as in this one we mention the Latin American Theological Fellowship. Click here for an infograhic explaining its origins and objectives.
Latin American Theological Fellowship (An infographic)
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- America Latina, Christian Faith, Citas para el alma, Cristianismo, Fe Cristiana, Iglesia, Religion, teologia, Theology
Teologías Latinoamericanas: Prácticas comunales de esperanza – Cita(tion)
Share This: “En lugar de una disciplina académica sistemática reservada para élites intelectuales, teologías auténticamente latinoamericanas, en sus formas liberacionista, holísticamente evangélica y pentecostal, son prácticas comunales de esperanza y praxis indígena que resisten ser definidas por categorías impuestas desde el exterior.” Bibliografía Padilla DeBorst, Ruth. “Songs of Hope Out of a Crying Land: An Overview of Contemporary Latin American Theology.” In Global Theology: Exploring the Contextual Nature of Theology and Mission. Edited by Jeffrey P. Greenman and Gene L. Green. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2012, p. 88.
No desde el Balcón: Hacer Teología en Latino América (Cita)
Share This: “Como pensadores latinoamericanos hemos escogido hacer nuestra teología no contemplando a Cristo desde la cómoda distancia del balcón, una ortodoxia segura y fácilmente recibida, sino siguiéndolo en los tortuosos senderos de nuestras tierras latinoamericanas.” Bibliografía Escobar, Samuel. “Doing Theology on Christ’s Road.” In Global Theology: Exploring the Contextual Nature of Theology and Mission. Edited by Jeffrey P. Greenman and Gene L. Green. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2012, p. 71.